Friday, July 30, 2010

The first time's always the awkardest

I've been having trouble thinking of a good first *actual* post.  (All these wordy ones don't count yet.)  It's not that I have no ideas, it's which idea should I choose.

Oh! No, wait.  Never mind, I think I just thought of one.  Heh heh heh.  But now you have to wait for me to draw it out. 

Wallow in your anticipation!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Does anyone know much about this DS homebrew?  It's a game/program I've fiddled around with a little and I really like working with it.  At this point I'm considering using it for some of my drawings for the site--it's a lot easier drawing with a stylus than on a laptop touch pad.  (Which actually kind of shames me because I used to be super good at it.)

Right now I'm trying to figure out how to get pictures off my DS and onto my computer.  I think it won't be that hard, but if you know how, that would save me some potential frustration. Unless you're lying, then shame on you.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Abandonment issues

Don't worry, I didn't just start this up on a whim; I do have plans for this.  I'm actually, at this very moment, working on finishing the background.  I've also got lots of ideas for different posts.  It's true I haven't officially drawn them yet, but I am definitely working on it.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Bunches of silliness

To be honest, this isn't my only website.  The one I put the most effort into is my food blog, but this one is kind of a repository for all the silliness that doesn't have a place elsewhere in my world.  So far, based on my planning stages, I'll pretty much be writing most of this, but every once in a while my boyfriend will chip in. 

At this point, I have a lot of ideas, but not all have been painted up.  What I'm obsessing over now is the background.  There's kind of an effed back story to that, but I'll save that for another day.